The amount of the successful bid, which will become the purchase price, will be recorded by the court reporter. 1640 Kings County Drive Hanford, CA 93230. Whether complex or standard tracked, the Final Compliance Conference will be approximately six (6) weeks prior to NOI. A discontinuance in a foreclosure action except upon court order after an RJI has been filed. All orders to show cause and motions for consolidation must be served on all attorneys who have appeared or been appointed in the Family Court if there is presently an action pending in Family Court. If opposed, motions will be adjourned by the clerk to the assigned judges next available motion date for argument. If necessary, a second CC shall be scheduled. Honorable Steven Z. Mostofsky Part 5M (MATRIMONIAL CASES ONLY) Initial applications for relief must be made by Order to Show Cause. Stipulations may be faxed to the Judges chambers. All applications and responses thereto for. Some mediations may take place with co-mediators or experienced mediators who are professor(s) accompanied by law students. When a party defaults: Each Order of Reference must have appended thereto, the history of the property by way of a chain of assignment, the date of the assignment, and a reference to the tab where that assignment is located. No double-endorsed checks will be accepted. Approximately six weeks before the NOI date, the court will schedule an appearance in the Final Conference Part (FCP) to ensure discovery is on track. In cases where the parties are represented by attorneys, those professionals may comply with the CPLR, statutes, and case law to accomplish discovery without input by the court. Civil cases pending in Kings County Supreme Court may be referred to the Kings Neutral Evaluation Program (KNEP). The relief you are seeking from the court. The wearing of masks will also be enforced. The seven resolution parts, five trial parts and one HP part serve the County in an efficient, expedient and thoughtful manner. No recording of any proceedings or conferences are permitted except by the official court reporter. E-filing should be used whenever possible to mitigate unnecessary in-person trips to the courthouse to file papers. All bidders must have proof of identification and will be required to stand and state their names and addresses on the record at the time the bid is made. Help Center is located in the St. Lawrence Supreme Court Law Library (Floor 2B) Call: (315) 379-2279. If counsel are unable to resolve a dispute, the party seeking Court intervention shall send a letter to the Court, of no more than two (2) pages, upon notice to all parties, describing the problem and the relief requested. Unjustified failure to comply with the provisions of discovery orders shall result in waiving discovery, preclusion, the striking of a pleading, or imposition of sanctions, as appropriate. At present, the Office of Self-Represented can be reached by telephone at 347-296-1740 or by e-mail at Indicate defaulting party, if any, and that appearing party will serve a copy of the order on defaulting party with seven days. Motions must be accompanied by an affirmation of good faith pursuant to NYCRR 202.7(a), indicating what efforts have been made to resolve the motion. The Office of Self-Represented is open every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9:30 a.m. 12:45 p.m. and 2:15 p.m. 4:45 p.m. E-Filing Attorneys are advised to consult, inter alia, the New York Law Journal or the Unified Court System's Future Court Appearance Website, ecourts,for the return dates. Courtroom telephone: 347-296-1632 In 1964, Pathway Publishers was founded by two Amish farmers to print more material about the Amish and Anabaptists in general. In the event there is a post-judgment application pending, further applications may be made by Notice of Motion or Cross-motion. This is a non-appearance control date to ensure compliance with the final conference order. The Judges of the Civil Term Supreme Court, in order to promote the efficient and impartial administration of justice, hereby adopt the following common and uniform rules (see Note #1): This rule applies to all Civil Term Parts of the Court. Parties should not leave until Order is signed, as Judge may need to see the parties. Proposed orders should include all outstanding discovery, or indicate that discovery is complete. Kings County Clerk Directions Attorney Secure Pass Find Your Next Court Date General Information Frequently Asked Questions . Find the best ones near you. Training on Teams and other virtual platforms can be accessed at: Requests for adjournments should be made in advance. ), statement of proposed dispositions, and maintenance and child support worksheets. Uniform Rules, 202.70(g), Rule 18. Kings County Supreme Court, Civil Term ADR Plan Plan. An RJI filed with a Bill of Particulars BP attached shall have priority for scheduling a PC. Where the claim is that the borrower is not living in the subject house, then an affidavit of investigation substantiating this allegation must be appended which states. The employer name is COUNTY CLERK KINGS COUNTY. Assisted the Assistant District Attorneys in investigating complex crimes involving mortgage securities fraud and solicitation of murder. Please include your phone number in case we have . Many Judges prefer the Order to Show Cause as the method to bring forth requested relief. UNIFIED COURT SYSTEM 360 Adams Street, Courtroom 525 Brooklyn, NY 11201 Chambers No. Any application related to child support shall include a Child Support Standards Act worksheet. The Judge overseeing this case is Damaris Torrent . The Criminal Department handles all adult criminal cases within King County Superior Court. MOTIONS ARE DECIDED ON SUBMISSION UNLESS PARTIES SUBMIT AN ORDER RESOLVING THE MOTION(S). : 347-404-9651 RULES REGARDING PRELIMINARY CONFERENCES (KINGS COUNTY) Hon. The Evaluator will not disclose any information that an attorney may convey in confidence without the advance permission of that attorney. All summary judgment motions shall be accompanied by a Statement of Material Facts as set forth in the Uniform Rules, 202.70(g), Rule 19-a. If a successful bidder fails to immediately pay the deposit and sign the Terms of Sale, the property will be promptly returned to auction the same day. Preliminary Conference Orders may be entered on consent of the Court and all parties by printing and filling out the Preliminary Conference Form posted on the. 360 Adams Street, Room 122C. If the parties have participated in Formal Child Custody Recommending Counseling (CCRC) with Family Court Services within the previous 12-months, there is a $200.00 Review CCRC fee for parties to participate in Immediate or Formal CCRC. Do not upload letters to e-filing, without court permission, letters become part of the permanent records of the Office of the County Clerk. *Failure of all parties to appearwill result in the court issuing an order on default of all parties; issuing a note of issue date, and deeming all discovery waived. No action may be discontinued except upon application to discontinue or stipulation by the plaintiff to discontinue submitted for approval by the Court. Parties shall endeavor to resolve their own discovery issues and present the proposed orders to the court attorney/referee reviewing proposed consent orders. Acting Supreme Court Justice Lizette Colon presides over the following Kings County Discovery Parts: Intake (Preliminary Conferences), Compliance Conference Part (conferences/motions), Final Conference . Ex Parte Applications The current Kings County Supreme Court protocols are available at: [See Uniform Rules, 202.70(g), Rule 20. The current pandemic has forced us to formulate a plan that is viable and takes into account all the health protocols that are needed for indoor assembly and outdoor assembly. Within sixty days from the expiration of the time set forth, pursuant to EDPL 503 (B), in an order of acquisition for the filing of written claims or notices of appearance, condemnor shall obtain an index number for each of the fee claims on file with the court pursuant to the said order so that the Clerk can separately maintain the claim and all further proceedings with respect thereto, and the condemnor shall notify the claimant or its attorney of record of the index number assigned to its claim. The Matrimonial Clerks office can be reached at or 347-296-1714, Email Contacts for Matrimonial Chambers: The Kings County Supreme Court has two divisions, the Civil Term and the Criminal Term. Preliminary conferences start at 9:30 a.m. Submission of documents can be uploaded through e-filing, where the case has been converted on consent, or other methodology as permitted by the Court on a case-by-case basis, pursuant to ongoing virtual trial protocols. Expedited cases 8 months: Standard cases 12 months Complex cases 15 months. Both judicial and non-judicial personnel are committed . For indoor auctions, temperature checks and COVID Assessment Questionnaires will be administered upon entry to the courthouse. Initial Screening: Screening for eligibility at this time will be done virtually by the Court with the assistance of the Courts Case Analyst, Natasha Pasternack, LMSW, and NY Peace Institute, a not- for-profit Community Dispute Resolution Center. Other than as expressly provided in the Rules of the Commercial Division or upon instruction of the Court, the Court will not accept or entertain letter applications for substantive relief. MOTIONS: Information on Form I-589 Intake and Processing Delays. Sanctions and/or costs may be imposed for failure to comply with the rules set forth herein. Counsel and parties may not talk over each other or the Court. The jury panel consists of nineteen (19) persons who are assigned to various committees. Foreclosure Auctions in Kings County were initially conducted on the courthouse steps. A mediator is not a judge and will not decide issues if parties cannot agree. Temporary Restraining Orders, Kings County Contested Matrimonial Part Uniform Rules and Protocols. Indicatedate certain note of issue will be filed within a week. Courtroom 282. Index Numbers for fee Claims. He subsequently entered into a law partnership and shortly thereafter started his own practice. Order should include all outstanding discovery or indicate that discovery is complete. Email addresses for all parties/counsel should be included on all filings to facilitate and expedite scheduling and resolution. Fax numbers for all counsel must be provided in the cover letter or the stipulation. Initial mediation sessions are at no cost to the parties for the mediators services. Counsel must confer prior to appearance at the pre-trial conference so that exhibits that are not disputed can be identified and stipulated into evidence. Strict compliance with the PC order shall be enforced by the imposition of costs and sanctions when appropriate. If the case was disposed for failure to appear at either a PC or CC conference, the clerk of the court will assign the new conference date to ensure compliance with all outstanding discovery listed in stipulation). Parties must also contact the court-assigned mediator, if one has already been assigned, to cancel any scheduled session. Caption must match Court computer including third party actions. The parties shall discuss and decide how discovery shall be conducted regarding social media and other forms of electronic discovery (emails, documents, social media, etc.). Screening, as the rest of the mediation process, is being conducted virtually. Adjournments must be obtained at least two (2) business days in advance of the return date except in the case of an emergency. CITY & TA CENTRAL COMPLIANCE PART RULES ALL VIRTUAL PROCEEDINGS OR TELEPHONIC PROCEEDINGS FOR COURT APPEARANCES SHALL BE SET UP BY COURT STAFF. THE COURT WILL NOT ACCEPT EX PARTE (ONE-SIDED) COMMUNICATIONS. Each appearing homeowner shall be provided with an information sheet that informs him/her of the foreclosure process. The referee, or his/her designee, must provide a copy of the Terms of Sale, including any known encumbrances, upon request. In the interest of expediting prompt resolution of disputes at a minimum expense to the litigants, a mediation program is available through the Kings County Commercial Division. Chief Clerk of the Supreme Court for Civil Matters (347) 296-1800 Hon. If there remains any outstanding discovery, it shall be completed prior to the Note of Issue date. CASES THAT DO NOT SUBMIT AN ORDER ON CONSENT WITHIN THREE WEEKS OF THE COURT DATE, WILL RECEIVE AN ORDER GENERATED BY THE COURT. It is compliance with the PC order that DRIVES the rest of the centralized discovery parts. Oral argument is required on all motions unless dispensed with by the Judge. Allegations of fact submitted to the Court, including allegations contained in an affidavit or the complaint must be certified by counsel in the form prescribed by the Chief Administrative Judge. As COVID-related circumstances change, additional parties will be allowed entry. Counsel must provide notice to their adversary and to the assigned mediator if they plan on attending with their clients. NOTICE: In tort cases against the City of New York, courtesy copies shall be supplied to the Corporation Counsels office in Brooklyn. Supreme Court of the State of New York, Kings County. Cases dismissed for non-appearance may be restored by written stipulation signed by all parties within 30 days of default or by motion. When a party defaults: Hard copies are required to be filed for any motions, answering papers, stipulations, etc. NO APPEARANCE REQUIRED. Where no affidavit of prejudice has been provided pursuant to Uniform Rules, 202.70(g)(3), Rule 20, notice of applications for Temporary Restraining Orders (TRO) contained in an Order to Show Cause must be given to opposing counsel, or parties if no attorney has previously appeared, at least six hours in advance of submission to the court and must contain a specific time and date of submission so as to afford an opportunity to appear. If a case has been resolved, please notify the Court by conference call and/or email if there is a signed stipulation of settlement and do not wait until the trial date. Please note that all of the below-listed rules apply. Clerks are required to reject papers that do not have protruding exhibit tabs, except papers in matrimonial cases and papers filed by pro se litigants. Rule 1. A Bill of Particulars must be filed before the Preliminary Conference. The consent of the Court will be required for adjournment of the closing beyond ninety (90) days. At the PC Conference, a fixed Note of Issue filing date shall be set. Appearing party must serve a copy of the order upon defaulting party within 7 days. If the case involves custody of children, a fully completed registry check form shall also be provided at least two (2) days in advance. Many forms and resources are located at and on the Kings County Supreme Court website at where the most up-to-date information about protocols and scheduling will be posted. Users can use it day-to-day and there is no need once you establish a VEC for a trial or hearing to create a new VEC on a particular case. The parties shall not require the production in court or in any other proceeding of any records or documents made by the mediator. Initial post-judgment applications must be personally served on litigant unless waived by the Court or adversary. Judicial subpoenas must be made returnable to the New York State Supreme Court, Kings County, Subpoenaed Records Room, 360 Adams Street, 6th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201. *Failure of plaintiff or all parties to appear will result in the court issuing an order, dismissing the matter pursuant to CPLR 3126 &/or 3216. Motions are heard on the return date and are only adjourned upon good cause. Participated in Legal Educational Seminars with Hofstra University School of Law under the . This Rule shall take effect on March 1st, 2012, and shall apply to all Eminent Domain Proceedings in which the time for filing written claims or notices of appearance expires after February 29th, 2012. There will be no adjournments of the trial date without express court permission. Discovery scheduled and ordered shall be strictly adhered to and may not be extended without just cause, pursuant to part rules*. Communications between the attorneys during any evaluation session or made to the Evaluator as part of the process may not be used by any party as an admission or otherwise in the case or in any other litigation. E-filing is not to be used to upload communications with adversaries and/or the Court without prior Court permission. Upon the scheduled date for a Final Conference in FCP, the parties must submit an FCP order on consent or, if a consensus cannot be reached, request a virtual FCP conference with the Court. Court forms for each part are attached and must be used for this purpose. Courtroom telephone: 347-296-1636 The Mayor appointed the following judges to Civil Court: Judge Anthony M. Battisti was a former Queens County Assistant District Attorney for four years assigned to the Intake, Criminal Court, Grand Jury, and Supreme Court Bureaus. ORDERS ON CONSENT OF THE PARTIES: Failing to be prepared when appearing before the judge shall substantially delay the resolution of your issue. Following the auction, the successful bidder will deposit at least 10% of the sale price with the Referee. A fully executed stipulation may be emailed to. The form must be signed by the referee, plaintiff representative, and purchaser of the foreclosed property. STRONGLY RECOMMENDED: E-file proposed CCP OSC/motions orders resolved on consent (or withdrawals) at least two days prior to your scheduled return date to avoid your CCP motion/OSC being submitted. ( Assistant Law Clerk: Alice Liang ( Part Clerk: Kimberly Wood. The failure of the successful bidder to complete the transaction under the terms bid will presumptively result in the bidders preclusion from bidding at auction for a period of sixty (60) days. Unified Court System's Future Court Appearance Website,,,,,, Preliminary Conference Order (As Revised by EK) (00084092-7).DOCX (,,,,,, Not leave until order is signed, as the rest of the order Show! Will deposit at least 10 % of the parties shall not require the production in Court or adversary entry... Without the advance permission of that attorney documents made by order to Show.. Assigned to various committees Alice Liang ( aliang @ discovery issues and present the proposed orders include... May convey in confidence without the advance permission of that attorney 347-296-1740 or by motion Court are..., upon request co-mediators or experienced mediators who are professor ( s ) accompanied by Law students your... 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