Those people would of gone unpunished, and were very capable of murdering again, especially Watson. Linda got her justice in another manner that's all lolThe real Losers in the entire saga are the victims and their families. There would have been no need to stab Rosemary LaBianca so many times. At the age of 16, Drouin dropped out of high school and got married, and soon after, divorced. Early Life. Prosecution ? And more than any other witness, Linda Kasabian's testimony helped convict Charles "Tex" Watson, Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel, Leslie Van Houten, and Charles Manson. Dreath saidI think what might have happened with Atkins instead of Kasabian is you might not be talking as much about Helter Skelter as a motivePossibly. So did she really have a valid license as was presented in court? I have read the trial transcripts, I know that site. This might have been tried as a felony murder case like Van Houten III. The reasons why she did so make for an interesting set of discussions but are essentially secondary to me.I use positive phrases for all kinds of people that have done awful things because there is no such a thing as someone totally bad or totally good. In a 2009 docu-drama by Cineflex, she elaborated her story for the first time in detail. It's been done about Tex, Larry Jones & Bill Vance in regards to Shorty. Eventually, she. Not because she was some kind of sunshine superwoman, but because others {TJ, Ella Jo, Brooks P, Juan Flynn} did likewise and some of those that she helped condemn to death in the gas chamber backed her up on this, both before her arrest and after. She is currently sixty nine years old. She witnessed Charles "Tex" Watson shoot and kill Steven Parent as he was trying to exit the property. How about the ones who went into service and spent the war stateside?BTW: I was one of the cowards who got a college degree during that time. Member of the Manson Family (born 1949) Add links. How would she have heard anything Linda said, especially when you take into account that Linda's statement was issued to Susan ?Secondly, how would Pat know how much of a willing participant Linda was ? Defense counsel were not 'the Dream Team'. Though it may sound like an almost insane point to make, I think that the real loser in the entire saga was indeed Linda. :-), "When they go low- I get high"or something like that lol. Furthermore, Charlie sent her back the next day so he couldn't have been too bothered about it.Considering over a little more than three months prior to the murders she didn't have a valid one, I WOULD SAY she didn'tOf course you would !I could be wrongBut you'd never admit it if you were.That's why she denied any knowledge of the LaBianca murders, but accidentally slipped up and supplied information helpful with TateYou surely cannot be speaking about the tape recording Leslie did with Marvin Part.Denied any knowledge of the LaBianca murders ? But..What I meant was that she said Tex told her to get Steven's wallet. 'Best at the backhand slash' might not have sold well to the jury. Mr. Kasabian had abandoned her and their child in Los Angeles while he went off to South America. Linda purposely brought Sadie and Clem to the wrong door, and the mission was aborted. She clearly loved her children and tried to be a good mother. ME thinks there might be a REAL story there. HS was something she was getting to grips with. I think my age (time to come full circle) gives me an advantage to understand some things others don't have.I have (after many years) had discussions with folks that I had "conflicts" with (earlier in life) and almost always THEY saw the "conflict" in a DIFFERENT light than ME. He is right, the question is not compound. Over here in England, working as a care assistant in a home for the elderly is not really seen as particularly caring work much of the time, it's often seen as a job anyone can do that wants to earn definite {low} money and the overwhelming majority of care workers I've known have not been native to these shores. But telling Charlie "You drive" and "I'm not you Charlie" was OK? See the events in life of Linda Kasabian in Chronological Order,, But a vote for a real mass murderer like Clinton is the better choice. And it is almost impossible - hell, it is impossible - to cut the guy who proclaimed himself the Devil before butchering nine people any slack. It's always the Charlie supporters who make those statements and spread those stories about other motivesDuring one of her parole hearings, Pat did make a statement about "the two women in the house" which some have picked up and conflated with the "Sharon wasn't supposed to be there" red herring. Anyone? paraphrase others: Life is going to knock you on your ass from time to time. Susan herself brought it up when speaking initially with Howard & Graham. Remember part of your goal is to get the jury to see her as at least as vile as your client. He also went on to say that he preferred Linda as she hadn't killed anyone but because of the grand jury deal, was stuck with Susan.Interestingly, even with Susan, he simply had no case against Linda. This marriage too did not prove to be stable and Linda Kasabian returned to stay with her mother in New Hampshire. Both have different conclusions.I don't know what you get from that but I know what I get from that. She answered the follow up question and confirmed her understanding of the arrival time. If, however, Atkins testifies he is in the same position he was with Kasabian testifying and, yes, he still needs corroboration but I wasn't going to try to 'try' that case here. How perfect did the stars align for the prosecutor that there was one angel among the group. 2. Dreath saidGrim, I have to disagree with you a bitOnly a bit ? Linda gave birth to a daughter Tanya in 1968. I would have testified without a deal" translates when the evidence is revealed to 'I'm not talking even if the sky falls (but I will for immunity)". I know people are going to scream at my saying the TLB story is not a 'good/bad' one because it is just to easy to tell the good guys from the bad. They have all said that. Linda and Robert had a daughter named Tanya in 1968. There wasn't enough room in the car for Cappy to go, so WHY didn't SHE just hitch a ride down to the hamburger stand, slit a throat and steal some fries ? linda kasabian daughter tanya INTRO OFFER!!! Thank you for this post- very interesting and thought provoking. YOu can say she is certainly flawed, self-destructive, has terrible judgement and suchbut applying terms like good and bad just distorts any understanding of the whole shebang. She was the key witness in District Attorney Vincent Bugliosi's prosecution of Manson and his followers for the Tate-LaBianca murders. "That Bugliosi doesn't speak contemptuously about her should always be balanced by the fact that in commenting on her life at the time, what he says is often negative. Which scares people in a society where every wants to blame a white man for personal or political gain. From the Watson trial:Q: Now, you know helter skelter involved violence, didn't you?A: Yeah.Q: Did you tell anybody, did you tell Mr. Manson that you didn't want to be part of any violent scheme?A: No.Q: You knew that it involved the killing of people, didn't you?A: But I didn't know that that was our part in it.Q: What did you think your part was going to be?A: Well, that when helter skelter came to the city, when the blacks and whites were getting it in the city, and the city was burning, we were supposed to go in the dune buggies, with the children and bring them back to the home in the desert.Susan was the one that tied the murders to HS when she spoke with her cellmates but none of them went out on the night of August 8th to consciously ignite it. And refused. If it comes out that a witness has two convictions, one for bestiality involving a local horse and the other for sexually abusing one of their siblings, the other side will lean hard on that. "HS in it's entirety, with all it's separate parts and attendant packages were clearly part of her thinking.Dreath saidI still thought I read something somewhere that Krenwinkel said it at a parole hearing or somethingIn her 2011 hearing, she said "When I went to the house with Tex (inaudible), I should have immediately left. Now, when you say the middle of the night do you mean 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning or do you mean midnight? That's hardly her doing. Another interesting point: Kasabian never said the motive was Helter Skelter. Charlie has opened a slight window on why Tex was picked, George on the others. Of course, I never thought she was an innocent flower child, like VB made her out to be, but he needed her as a witness. // -->,