Nor would chemical castration be acceptable. A lot of nasty people apparently dealt with in a nasty way. Guns were perfectly legal and widespread in the UK as the right to bear arms was part of English Common Law. recommend Perfect E Learn for any busy professional looking to On the day she was killed, a tweet from her @TyquanAssassin account gave the address of an apartment on St. Lawrence Avenue where she and her fellow gang members hung out. If Trump does win I think we can expect a harsher environment on inner city blacks. It was portrayed this way based on claims by the same sort of people who later whipped up hysteria about racist white cops gunning down black babies. Infinitely more humane. Part of all this is the unwillingness to face reality the narrative is always that powerful external forces (white supremacy, poverty, residential segregation, and so on) is responsible for the unbelievably bad group behavior of blacks and to a lesser extent Latinos. Associated With. Gang members who use social media typically dont protect their accounts with privacy settings. They spend a lot of time in these places and develop a knowledge and sources. Either kill all the gang members wiping them out via the death penalty or cede territory. (So segregation is a euphemism for a neighborhood being filled with the dregs of the black race so that nobody else except blacks will live next to them. Cant do that anymore, because Raaaaacism. Facemask emojis are code for no snitching and 100 means shes serious. As evening neared, JoJo announced over Twitter that he was on 69th Street. The prayers were led by Corey Brooks, the famed Rooftop Preacher who once spent 94 days living atop a derelict motel to dramatize the need for a community center and who walked 3,400 miles across America to raise money for efforts to curtail violence. Everyone has to establish deterrence on a retail basis, he said. Towards the aim, Perfect E learn has already carved out a niche for itself in India and GCC countries as an online class provider at reasonable cost, serving hundreds of students. Made my morning. Curious that there were no details about the child or his parents. With the revelation of unsealed police records, speculation regarding the murderer of Gakirah K.I. Barnes, 17, in 2014 appears to be over., The life and death of the real 'Lil Snoop': Teenage queen of Chicago's gangland who 'became a killer at 14 to avenge her brother's murder' and was gunned down on the streets she ruled just three years later, Gakirah Barnes, 17, was associated with the Fly Boy Gang in Chicago's South Side since her early teens, She is purported to have killed two rival gang members, one when she was just 14, Some claim she was involved in up to 20 gangland deaths, She was referred to in rap songs as 'Young Killa' and given the nickname 'Lil Snoop', in reference to the fictional assassin Snoop in TV series The Wire. Lil JoJos cortge led Bansley to add reports of shots fired, the recovery of a loaded .45 automatic, and numerous instances of dangerously reckless driving. The National Rifle Association is one of the most powerful special interest groups in America. He is also a faculty affiliate of the universitys Social Intervention Group and the Data Science Institute. English Common Law is the basis for the 2nd Amendment. RIP to her though. Web1,680 Followers, 3,851 Following, 176 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Gakirah Barnes (@chosen1045) MBA is a two year master degree program for students who want to gain the confidence to lead boldly and challenge conventional thinking in the global marketplace. In some of her own tweets, she referred to herself as boss, indicating she was respected among her fellow gang members. her social media communication, I noticed that Gakirah and other users in her network also used Twitter to collectively cope with losing friends to shootings. Sign up now to get our latest stories and eye-opening briefings. I thought the officers were a bit more judicious in the use of their night sticks than I would have been though. (Just kidding.). They have their guns and their friends, and its on, he said. As for the hormone blocker, I guess chemical castration is permitted in some states so this could be legalseems to have echoes of A Clockwork Orange that I am sure would get the SJWs wound up. About 48% of 84% Black Detroit adults cant read. Your post has been automatically removed because your account has less than 30 karma. These murder reports most interesting to come out of the sub. Unique in her status as a female shooter for her gang, Gakirah kept up a feed full of threats and taunts to opps, or members of oppositional groups. Unique in her status as a female shooter for her gang, Gakirah kept up a feed full of threats and taunts to opps, or members of oppositional groups. That is, prohibit all liberal wussboys with no skin in the game who make a living telling blacks they are uniquely victimized by a delusion called racism which justifies their pathology and renders them blameless. Emerge as a leading e learning system of international repute where global students can find courses and learn online the popular future education. Political palatability could be improved by including an element of choice, e.g., convict can choose early release with hormone adjustment or can just stay in pokey with full sperm count. (TMB is an abbreviation for Trap Money Brothers or Boys). Much less parties they dont go to? Man deserves the Presidential Medal of Freedom or whatever they give non-military people. On the bright side, inspite of her allegedly committing 20 or more shootings/killings, Ms Barnes here left no offspring. Unless you sterilized every male thug in the ghetto it wouldnt do a thing. for Chicago. Is frisking young black men who have committed no apparent crime unconstitutional? It also has significant implications for gun violence prevention. Well, if the Constitution is the living, breathing, morphing document that liberals say it is, maybe not, in some cases. Prior to her death, the Twitter messages from her account referenced feelings of isolation in a violent environment, where death at an early age was expected, Pattons study said. Heres an old Atlantic article that picks up on the nuances among Chicagos black population. Our online courses offer unprecedented opportunities for people who would otherwise have limited access to education. Social media SJWs blame whites. As research provides that understanding, the question will then become: What responsibility do tech companies bear for the shootings bred via their servers? If you are a brother wearing a suit and tie or working a real job, they will leave you alone. So, the places where the Garkirah Barneses live are segregated, which gives the NYT something to blame the proliferation of Gakirah Barneses upon besides Garkirah Barnes and her parents, cousins, and friends. She is purported to have killed two rival gang members, one when she was just 14. As you should know there isnt a problem with limiting private handling of some of the more dangerous weapons or who can own them amongst many other restrictions which have not been invalidated under the Second Amendment. . In the 10 years since the massacre, Ive made it my mission to help law enforcement cope with the trauma of repeated exposure to brutal killings. How dare you highlight just how different things were in, say, 1965. fear of working class unrest with no restrictions on respectable people and most importantly only happened *after* gun stranger homicides were near zero. Elizabeth Vargas is currently host of the revived Americas Most Wanted series. There are multiple streaming options if you are looking to watch the Gakirah Barnes documentary. Hulu subscribers in the US can catch Secret Life Of A Gang Girl on their platform. Now That We Know King Von Dropped $100K On Ducks Dome Looks like THF Mooda has Swagg Dineros (Bricksquad) 21 Savage arguing with Chicago niggas on clubhouse, Tells Press J to jump to the feed. How do you maintain your impenetrable ignorance? Gakirah was shot on April 11, 2014, three blocks from her house. And try taking the simple minded mask off and acknowledging that English common law never gave rise to the actuality or possibility of anything like Second Amendment litigation, neither the UK or Australia had anything like the widespread gun ownership of the US or the semi-automatic weapons, that progressive restrictions on guns ownership and that possession in other Anglophone countries started well over 100 years ago so you simply have no factual or legislative basis for your apparent line that violent crime has risen in those countries in a way which would support a causal link between law abiding citizens ceasing to carry or own firearms and their being subjected to violent crime. I found it on wikipedia: do policy honchos like Mayor Emanuel, have a plan to more effectively assimilate Chicagos black underclass once theyve been dispersed from the ghetto and resettled in other parts of Illinois? There are some great guys on the job. I know a couple of retired NYPD, and once had a long conversation with another current NYPD. The tombstone, if the family has the means and the inclination to purchase one, will be inscribed with the name by which his loved ones knew him, Joseph Coleman. The money matters and what does a Chinese or Russian billionaire care about the Atlantic or NYT? RIP, Yeah bitch Im damn near convinced now Von was on hits poppin out on mfs like yea yea yea how he always used to say it back in 2014 before his rap fame. Personally I think the city of Chicago is intellectually bankrupt and incapable of developing new, creative ways to retard and contain the Mondays. Liquidate all gang members serving violent felonies. Theres been an uptick in crime in Dallas & in areas which didnt have much of it before. I see the sign of too many John Wayne era movies. Starting the day she opened her Twitter account in 2011, and ending with her death, in April 2014, Barness words give researchers a window on the emotions fueling gang violence in Chicago. People in her network posted messages about killing rival gangs and the police. Garry McCarthy but Boudreau said that hasnt happened yet under police Supt. Millennials are in college now. The inability to tell the 3rd floor from the 4th floor, Police: Pelicans guard Dejean-Jones fatally shot in Dallas. Didnt have many of them, but I did enjoy dealing with them, despite the fact that their disposable income was somewhat limited. That being said, I think a lot of the violence can be attributed to Obama and his lackluster stance on negro crime. It comes down to probable cause, and if youre young, black, male and (most importantly) hanging out in a certain place at a certain time of day without purposeful behavior, that may constitute probable cause, given the cumulative probabilities of all those factors. I think you should have read more of the interesting long Wiki article that you linked. You bow your head and you pray for that deceased person, says Kathleen Walsh. Yall should know better than that. Black women control fertility and they arent that picky about who the father is.. Otherwise it will continue to be a source of wonder that anyone should want to pollute UR with ignorant doubly anonymous rubbish. Outside in the funeral home parking lot, somebody blasted Lil JoJos 3HunnaK, and some of the younger mourners began dancing, rapping along with the murdered teen. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Please Like, Comment and Subscribe #gakirahbarnes #kingvon #oblock #chicago #k.i. Mayor Groot Calls for a Conversation on Tearing Down Chicago's Five Lincoln Statues, Economist: America Is Experiencing the Worst Recorded Increase in Its National Murder Rate. Europe, your future looks like American cities in the 1960s and 1970s. tuition and home schooling, secondary and senior secondary level, i.e. I too am a little skeptical of the blood-letting-will-solve-itself thesis. I read awhile ago that black immigrants & their kids make up the majority of the black population in NY. I suspect what Chicago needs is a period of blood letting that wipes out some of the most aggressive and criminal citizens, not unlike what parts of the Middle East are experiencing right now (and which I hope continues for quite some time, provided Europe stops deluding itself about its wonderful refugees). Anyway, I think there are a few things going on that arent being mentioned in the article. in KSA, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain. Unfortunately, and to the detriment of the less wealthy people outside of Chicago, the city has jettisoned its problem to other locales. You seem to know what you are talking about. Youd think liberals would have realized this on their own, but, gosh, it seems to have escaped them! Da Oppz didn't take u but we need bro ima Fuck Ova da Oppz fo u Lil B, Jeffrey Lane of Rutgers University has identified a code of the digital street, wherein informal rules established in a brick-and-mortar neighborhood dictate how young people communicate with each other online. Given that 95% of blacks voted for Hussein Obama Al Baghdadi this would mean middle class blacks voted for Obama just like the ghetto dregs. Perhaps the Old South had it right, after all civil rights are for white people, not blacks. The person who killed her was still around but now with a killer rep that helps him reproduce. graduation. We need to prohibit guns. Ballons. PISA to Test Whether Your Child Has Wha Dueling Laundry Detergent Commercials: . Eventually the dominant gang in area starts to take over legit businesses. Voucher holders are given more in vouchers in order for them to afford more expensive properties in more affluent areas. The only thing to do is stay out of the way while the inevitable bloodshed and collateral damage adds up to the point where the public and more importantly, the politicians come back around. So idk if its already been discussed but when folks gone let this narrative go about shawty having 17 bodies. And I repeat.whats wrong with having portable metal detectors to add heavily to the evidence of probable cause? What starts out with a funny ha ha can quickly escalate online.. Chief Keefs out of prison! the youngster exults. Urban Homicides Up 53% vs. 2019 During the Summer of George, James Q. Wilson's Wise Words on Crime and Race. Robotripping has been heavily promoted by the most brain dead elements in rap culture. So with more young people, more crime. Julie Keel, a spokeswoman for Camden Property Trust, the real estate company that owns the apartment complex in Dallas, confirmed that the complexs apartment manager had sent out an email to residents saying that the person who had been shot had been trying to break into the apartment of an estranged acquaintance and that this person had inadvertently broken into the wrong apartment. Thus, even as gang bangers off each other, they bang out the next wave of gang bangers fifteen to twenty years down the road. Guard Alex Caruso was all for having fun with his teammates the first few days in Paris, but with Thursdays game with the Pistons approaching, Caruso wants his teammates to turn this back into a business trip, and get back to the business of winning games. I strongly I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. JoJo began posting videos, including 3HunnaK, adding the letter K to the title of Keefs apparent homage to the Black Disciples, the K standing for killer. Police say that Lil JoJo was affiliated with the rival Gangster Disciples. Youre correct that the property values of what used to be single family homes with a nice garden/yard is very high as are the number of impoverished families that now live in most of them. For many of these young folks, he said, their online experiences translate into what happens to them offline.. Problem is that he was a rookie and barely played in the NBA only earning $169K. We are not trying to get in the way of anybody mourning, Bansley says. New Smurk , shit sound hard imo , yall rocking wit it? But does the demographic we are talking about actually care about their paternity/legacy/etc.? (GB, 2 unidentified males, one is identified as a member of Jaro) -Suspect came out of a parked blue car, came through the alleyway yelled "Yeah Bitch" and opened fire on 3 individuals after that returning to the vehicle and driving off. My Twitter acct was hacked, he tweeted, saying of Lil JoJo, i didnt know him but he was young just like me. This would give prevention workers further context. Its this stupidity that prevents a solution. New York, NY 10027 It was very unrealistic, because in real life such a school would be Black as hell as in Detroit public school level Black. Same thing in New York the permit process is designed to disqualify 95%+ of the applicants. This man really monetized his personal attempted murders and murders. Some city leaders, including Superintendent Eddie Johnson of the Chicago Police Department, have. First, there would be a post expressing general loss or grief. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. develop their business skills and accelerate their career program. Another aspect is that stop-and-frisk drives young minority males out of town, first to prison then to less privileged cities where the cops cant trample on civil rights to the extent they could for 12 years in New York City. Of course not, young black male law breakers dont want to have kids at all, but just not enough to wear a condom. Your tax-deductible donation to The Trace will directly support nonprofit journalism on gun violence and its effects on our communities. a Chicago gang member who was rumored to have killed or shot up to 20 rival gang members, . Lots of discussion about how its just another way for the white overclass to undercut black masculinity or some version of that. Worse, criminal gun toters are not sent to prison for several years. Chicago's main problems are absurd levels of corruption blended with incompetence. When crime was rising in the 1960s and 1970s, Baby Boomers were adolescents and young adults. A lot of you being turned out by music and dont even know it. I need somewhere to duck and hide for cover, Fields says on the video before shots ring out. There is still a chance. Online tuition for regular school students and home schooling children with clear options for high school completion certification from recognized boards is provided with quality content and coaching. As for the hormone blocker, I guess chemical castration is permitted in some states so this could be legalseems to have echoes of A Clockwork Orange that I am sure would get the SJWs wound up.. OHare Airport has 2-10 murders per year?? If they dont want to be stopped and frisked dont carry weapons if youre a banger. Of course, nobody wants to live around people like Gakirah Barnes who can afford not to. There are similar clearance rate issues in other cities. But the clearance rate for Black urban homicides is low, and they arent binned into done by a Black because theres no proof about who did it. DWLs and SJWs and (((others))) constantly suggest that LE get dropped in by sky-crane from another planet or dimension. Chicago PD is understaffed, riddled with affirmative corruption, infiltrated by criminal gangs, and, subject to the Ferguson Effect, prone to de-policing. Steve, I'm curious, do you know what that was? But its different when you 100% know for a fact hes killed multiple people and you see the details. For years, the Chicago Police Department has been investigating the death of 17-year-old Gakirah K.I. Barnes. Barnes was a member of the Gangster Disciples before she was fatally shot nine times in Chicago. Although Barnes was a teenager, she had already made a reputation for herself, believing to have killed over a dozen people. That, and what appears to be the heedless greed of a big-time recording company, Interscope Records. In our rush to understand whether social media causes violence, we often forget what brings young people to social media in the first place: connections to other young people. Some NRA wannabes comic book? In contrast, there are completely black neighborhoods in Chicago, like Avalon Park, that are pretty much 100% black but have much lower homicide rates because they are middle class blacks.). Assuming Gakirah Barnes father(sperm donor) had a long rap sheet himself worthy of him being administered a chemical vasectomy as a condition of parole, all this mayhem could have been avoided 15 years later. New Smurk , shit sound hard imo , yall rocking wit it? of law because he is not wearing a suit and tie then we are a failed state like Iraq or Ukraine. Thats why they are violent sociopathic young men and not HBD blog commenters. Ive searched for confirmation of your story that Anthony Burgesss first wife was raped by blacks but can find none. Onlookers say the 18 year olds funeral procession was typical for a gang-related send-off, with 100 cars or more, the occupants flashing gang signs and the occasional pistol and swerving deliberately into oncoming traffic. Why not have parole include periodic implants of testosterone blocker chemicals? Rockford is in the process of repeating Chicagos earlier dispersion, only this time city officials are dispersing the focal points for violent crime, the citys housing projects on the west side, to the east side. successful learners are eligible for higher studies and to attempt competitive If We see a opp F it We Gne smoke em, one of Barnes tweets said, referring to killing opposition gang members. In a suburb of Chicago one could almost (but maybe not quite) leave your doors unlocked when you left home to run an errand. They used an emotion dictionary to rate words by how pleasant, intense, or concrete they were. In Chicago, homicide rates correspond with segregation. 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Your child has Wha Dueling Laundry Detergent Commercials: will gakirah barnes twin brother SUPPORT nonprofit journalism gun!
Nonaversive Movement Aba, Articles G